miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

When children create fantasy they use role playing to act out what they have created with their imagination and play with their make-believe situation by acting as if what they have created is an actual reality that already exists to pretend such stories are true , but what is true and what is not ? What do I see when I close my eyes? and then when open ? We are always creating and we just see what we wanna see..like children do
martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

Flying discs are thrown and caught for recreation !
Disc dog is the more generic name for what is commonly called Frisbee dog. In disc dog competitions, dogs and their human disc throwers compete in events such as distance catching and somewhat choreographed freestyle catching. The sport celebrates the bond between handler and dog, by allowing them to work together. I think this young boy will more than glad if the dog can catch the disc, in that case: will the dog be able to give the disc back to the boy?

From a serie of 8 books. Each book is about a day of the week.
This is a Conga line, The dance originated in the Latin American carnivals tradition, where its simple rhythm and steps encouraged mass participation.
The name refers to the Cuban conga drum which was used to beat out the rhythm. This was a name given to it in the United States rather than its original name. In Cuba , the conga is known today under the name Comparsa .
miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2007

An ant producing a larger shadow against a wall can create a monster on the yard!
Be carefully Mr Croko...guess who is behind the flowerpot!
lunes, 9 de abril de 2007

Illo for the book “The rooster sings in rhyme”, is a collection of carol similar to limerick by Edward Lear (”The book of nonsense”), written by Fabio Grimaldi.
A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict meter.The rhyme scheme is usually "A-A-B-B-A", with a rather rigid meter. The first, second, and fifth lines are three metrical feet; the third and fourth are two metrical feet. The first line traditionally introduces a person and a location, and usually ends with the name of the location, though sometimes with that of the person. A true limerick is supposed to have a kind of twist to it. This may lie in the final line, or it may lie in the way the rhymes are often intentionally tortured, or in both.
viernes, 30 de marzo de 2007

Witten by Eduardo Gudiño Kieffer.
This beautiful book tells the story of a sunflower that is not tall enough to bask in the sunlight. It is only at night, when his fellow sunflowers are bowed in sleep, that he can raise his petals up to the light from the sky. He soon discovers he is a Moonflower. It makes me proud to be the
illustrator for this reissue.
Eduardo Gudiño Kieffer was part of the latin american literature boom of the 1960s.
Because of his works, mainly about Buenos Aires, and thanks to the support of countless friends, he was named "Ciudadano Ilustre de la Ciudad" (Distinguished Citizen of Buenos Aires).
He died in Buenos Aires in 2002.

"The giant prawn". Client: Poopy pants/Jennywrenn
How many things we are afraid of? Out to sea is one of them without questions.
The little dinghy drifted out the sea, the waves got bigger than ever and
lunged at the boat but the worst was the giant prawl on his back.
Fear si always a great topic to start working.
Of course it has nothing to do with "Pepe the prawn"...well maybe the heavy Spanish
accent of his creator, jaja.

Sometimes is hard to find the love, maybe flowers could help.
I think the special thing in this illo is the flower shop.
I seeked a lot flower stands for reference but I can´t find what I was looking for,
so I decided to draw my own design.
The way the woman stands on the dome and how she gained height easily
reminds on some kinda Chagall´s character.
jueves, 29 de marzo de 2007

Illustrating animals is always exciting but cows are a must.
God put a smile in my face when I knew that the main character for
the cover book might be the cow. There were a lot of animals to choose:
bull, horse, dog, sheep...but I have never doubt, it´s without questions
the best animal to draw.

I have mixed feelings about this illustration.
Personally I think is one of my best performs as illustrator, the colors and
the way things are arranged on the canvas, in the other hand
Iam Strongly disagree with animals working on circus. If we translate this
situation to real life it´s not a funny show.

Written by Graciela Repún.
Our hero is shortsighted, he just see what is around him but he can see beyond the
call of duty. He is in a hurry looking for his love, but maybe the key is discovering it
one step at a time. You are not alone...and you are not the only one my hero.

Frogs and toads, a nice tale about a little frog and a green book.
This froglet that lived in the pond not performs his singing and dancing routine,
just want to read.
I was inspired by "The Frog in the Shallow Well" chinese fable to create this character.
Frogs feature prominently in folklore, fairy tales and popular culture.
They tend to be portrayed as benign, ugly, clumsy, but with hidden talents.

Illustration from William Shakespeare comedy.I was inspired by Laurent Meda and Botho Strauss plays.
It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors in a moonlit forest, and their interactions with the fairies who inhabit it and Duke of the Athenians.
The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular and is widely performed across the world.

"Grasshopper amazing fly" book. Client: Comunicarte
These images belongs to "Grasshopper amazing fly" book, one of my favourites.
This green locust never stop eating and that´s the reason why is always fired
from the trees.
I really enjoy working on insects such as crickets,roachs, ladybugs. It´s so funny.
Maybe in the near future I will work on a new book containig this kind of characters,
I have something in mind about it, a little more darker.
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2007

Martina´s birthday. Client: Longseller.
I try to put emphasis on the little girl on the left to catch the very escense of what a birthday
party can be. So this illustration is not only about blow out the candles of a cake, this is about marginalize too. As Inspiral Carpets says: "This is how it feels to be lonely, this is how
it feels to be small, this is how it feels when your words means nothing at all".
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